Podcast & Radio Library
Podcast & Radio Appearances
- Featured guest on Slate’s parenting podcast, Care & Feeding, Dec 26 2024.
- Cited in Judaism Unbound, “Interfaith Weddings–Ari Saks,” July 2024.
- Podcast, “Interfaithing,” Guest on multiple episodes of Season 1, Spring 2024.
- Podcast, “The Joy of Being Both,” Pholoso Ministries, South Africa, November 18 2023.
- Podcast, “Interfaith Parenting in the Earl Years” on New Mommy Media, July 2023.
- Podcast, “The Joy of Being Both,” on Called to be Multiple, April 24, 2023.
- Radio and podcast, “Love Across Differences,” on State of Belief with Rev Welton Geddy, Feb 13 2021.
- Podcast, Array of Faith with Rev J. Dana Trent, Wake Tech Community College, Feb 14 2021.
- Podcast, Tattoos and Torah with Rabbi Iggy, T’shuvah Center, August 9 2021.
- Podcast, What the Faith, October 21 2021.
- Podcast, What Fresh Hell? Laughing in the Face of Motherhood, Dec 11 2020.
- Podcast, THE VUU: Church of the Larger Fellowship, Unitarian Universalist Association, January 9 2020.
- Radio and podcast, Interfaith-Ish (WOWD, Takoma Radio), April 3 2019.
- Podcast, Parenting Forward, October 22 2018.
- Occasional host, Interfaith-Ish, biweekly community radio program, WOWD 94.3 takomaradio.org, 2018.
- Interfaith Voices, public radio, Sept 21 2018.
- Podcast, Judaism Unbound, July 14 2017.
- Podcast, The Texas Conflict Coach, November 15 2016.
- Quoted on NPR’s All Things Considered, “With Interfaith Sunday Schools, Parents Don’t Have To Choose One Religion,” May 15 2016.
- Podcast, Shiksa Mixer, April 28 2016.
- Podcast, UU Perspective, September 4 2015.
- Podcast, The Mixed Experience with Heidi Durrow, August 31 2015.
- Things Not Seen Radio with David Dault, November 16 2014.
- Podcast. Writers LIVE, Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore MD, November 5 2014.
- Featured guest on Slate parenting podcast, “Mom and Dad Are Fighting: Holiday Swirl Edition,” December 19, 2013.
- NPR, Here & Now, “Raising Children in Two Faiths,” interviewed by Robin Young, Dec. 2, 2013.
- NPR, Diane Rehm Show, panel on interfaith families, click “Listen” on top left, Nov. 26, 2013.
- Interviewed by “Mr. Dad,” (Armin Brott) on “Positive Parenting” radio show, Nov. 18, 2013.
- Hour-long call-in radio appearance on the Michael Medved Show, a conservative talk show. Lively debate with host and callers who “completely disagree” with Susan Katz Miller (requires listening to lots of commercials). Nov. 7 2013.
- State of Belief, “Raised to Be Both,” Reverend Welton Gaddy interviews Susan Katz Miller, Oct. 24, 2013.
- WHYY/NPR, Voices in The Family, “Interfaith Families, Traditions,” Dan Gottlieb interviews Susan Katz Miller, April 18, 2011.
- NPR, All Things Considered, “Interfaith Children,” personal essay, April 2, 2009.